Discover all the Museums in Rome. Thanks to its centuries of history the city is full of Museums to help you understand and enjoy their history.
Borghese Gallery

The Galleria Borghese is an art gallery in Rome, Italy, housed in the former Villa Borghese Pinciana. It is a building that was from the first integral with its gardens, nowadays considered quite separately by tourists as the Villa Borghese gardens.
Capitoline Hill

Campidoglio is better known as Capitoline Hill to the rest of the world. It is one of the 7 major hills in the Italian capital. The title of Capitoline came in due to the towering altitude. It sits between the Roman Forum and Campus Martius. Earlier the hill served as a Citadel. The hill sports only a few ancient relics on the lower altitude as the higher grounds have been enveloped by numerous castles and buildings of massive importance.
Palazzo Massimo

Palazzo Massimo is a very integral and beautiful part of the Roman National Museum. The museum has numerous buildings throughout the city. The museum was founded in 1889 and the inauguration took place the year after. The main goal of the museum was to store the artefacts unearthed at the excavation sites after the unification of Rome and Italy. The Palazzo owes its name to Prince Massimiliano Massimo, who commissioned the erection of the present building.
Palazzo Barberini

Palazzo Barberini, as the name suggests is the Palace of Barberini which sits in Piazza Barberini in Rome. It is also the Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica, which implies the National Gallery of Ancient Art. Initially the gently sloped land was used as a garden by the Sforza family. Cardinal Alessandro Sforza was facing financial hardships when he decided to sell off the vineyard to Maffeo Barberini, who eventually came to be known as Pope Urban VIII.