Piazza Navona (pronounced [ˈpjattsa naˈvoːna]) is a piazza in Rome, Italy. It is built on the site of the Stadium of Domitian, built in 1st century AD, and follows the form of the open space of the stadium.[1] The ancient Romans went there to watch the agones (“games”), and hence it was known as “Circus Agonalis” (“competition arena”). It is believed that over time the name changed to in avone to navone and eventually to navona.
Navona Square

Piazza Navona is a public square in the timeless city of Rome. It was built during 1st Century AD. It was also called the Circus Agonalis as it was the arena for the games during ancient times. It was built on the land meant for the stadium of Domitian. It owes its open structure to this. It began to be known and used as a public square since the market was shifted from Campidoglio to the Navona.
St. Agnese

St. Agnese in Agone , also known as Sant’Angnese in Piazza Navona is a church in Rome. It the sports Baroque style architecture and was built around the 17th century. The church commemorates Early Christian Saint Agnes. She was martyred in the Ancient Domitian Stadium. Girolamo Rainaldi and son Carlo Rainaldi were the chosen architects and work began in the year 1652. Another famous architect involved was Francesco Borromini.
The Four River Fountain

The Four River Fountain is known as the Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi in Roman tongue. As the name suggests it is a fountain in Rome which was dedicated to the 4 major rivers in the different continents. The rivers honoured here are the Nile from Africa, Ganges from Asia, Danube from Europe and Rio de la Plata from the Americas. Architect Gian Lorenzo Bernini designed this beauty in the year 1651. It faces the Palazzo Pamphili.
The Moor Fountain

The Fontana del Moro or Moor Fountain is a very popular fountain in Rome. It is situated near the southern end of Piazza Navona. Giaccomo della Porta designed the fountain and the African man wrestling two dolphins surrounded by 4 Tritons was made by the one and only Gian Lorezo Bernini. The original statues were relocated to the Galleria Borghese for safekeeping and were replaced by replicas. 2011 saw a vandal attack the statue with a hammer.
The Fountain of Neptune

The Fontana del Nettuno or Fountain of Neptune located in Bologna, Italy. It sits in the Piazza del Nettuno, close to Piazzo Maggiore. The fountain sports a statue of Neptune who lordly extends his arm as if he were controlling the waters. Giambologna, the architect completed the work in the year 1567. Giambologna opted for non-geometrical designs which gave this fountain its unique look and feel. The fountain reflects Mannerist styles.